Invoice simply and with a few clicks
You do not need unnecessarily complex accounting systems and programs for billing. You can issue your invoice quickly, simply and with a few clicks.
You do not need unnecessarily complex accounting systems and programs for billing. You can issue your invoice quickly, simply and with a few clicks.
Whether it is an invoice in a foreign currency, a tax liability or a tax receipt for the payment received - SuperFaktura always guides in what direction and what to exhibit.
Your accountants will no longer have to rewrite invoices into accounting. They can simply transfer them from their Superfaktura to their accounting program and work with them. You will definitely save both her time and your wallet.
SuperFaktura will help you cover the entire business process from the menu, through the order, the pro forma invoice to the bold invoice. But you can skip any of these steps and start, for example, with a backup.
Describing your client's details in the invoice is unnecessarily lengthy and complicated. In SuperFaktura, you will need to start writing your business name or your ID, and we will add the rest for you.
Not only will your invoices displayed professionally, clearly and legally correct, you can also customize them to match your brand - you can add your logo, a stamp and even a signature.
Faktúra vyrobená
Vaša faktúra je hotová, môžete si ju uložiť vo formáte PDF. Ak z tejto stránky odídete, my na ňu hneď zabudneme. Nebudete ju už môcť neskôr upraviť.Ak by ste si ju predsa len chceli odložiť, a faktúru nájdete vo svojom účte.
Založte si účet na SuperFaktúre a počas 30 dní bezplatne a nezáväzne vyskúšajte, čo všetko s faktúrami dokážeme. Aj s cenovými ponukami, objednávkami, dodacími listami, úhradami, bankovými pohybmi, nákladmi, automatickými upomienkami, prehľadmi fakturácie a cashflow, knihou jázd, exportami do účtovníctva, exportami pre kuriérov, online platbami, …
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